Shintaro Kago

SHINTARO KAGO is a Japanese Ero Guro manga artist. He debuted in 1988 on the magazine COMIC BOX.

Ero Guro, short for “Erotic Grotesque” is a wasei-eigo term (literally “Made-in-Japan English”) that describes a literary and artistic movement in the 1920’s and 30’s. Alternately, SHINTARO KAGO‘s style has been likened to “fashionable paranoia”, where “fashionable” refers to the idea that the manga itself is cool, rather than the actual artwork looking cool.

Abstraction (images above) begins as a normal comic that soon becomes wrapped around a three-dimensional object that rotates as the story continues. But soon, the characters start crawling in and out of their panels and into other ones, and suddenly there are giant heads and penises everywhere, people falling to their deaths by tripping out of frame, and girls making out with their own faces. Insane!

And good news: SHINTARO KAGO has set up a YouTube channel and started uploading bizarre animated shorts!

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